Across last week as we Zoomed with our drama students, it became apparent as they told us their ‘news’ – a ritual at the beginning of every class for those who want to share – that a number of these kids were struggling.
That niggling feeling was compounded during an ‘Emotions’ exercise when the students created a freeze frame to depict an emotion they have felt during the last few weeks.
Wow. What a powerful image that created on screen.
Children as young as 5 were communicating loss, confusion, loneliness and boredom. I wish I’d have known what was coming as I would have liked to capture it as a moment in time for these students. It was such a powerful image. During the same exercise, we asked them to describe their freeze frame emotion and what followed was a concerning insight into their current situations. Whether introvert or extrovert we are ‘social animals’ and right now, we are all feeling the strain – young and old – as that society is withheld from us.
Of course, it wasn’t all of the children feeling this way, but it was the majority and although there’s little we can do to change the situation right now, I would urge you to make time to talk to your children. Just an understanding ear and some reassurance could make all the difference.
It goes without saying that in true StageAbility style, we finished the session with some upbeat games and some real belly laughs and hopefully sent them all on their way feeling a little bit lighter.
Live online lessons are certainly helping to ease the lack of connection these kids are feeling but I hope it isn’t too long before it is safe enough for us to be together again in class.